Aluminum Plant Baghouse System

Baghouse Dust Collection Project Summary

Air Pollution Control Project Details


US Air Filtration engineered and fabricated a pulse jet baghouse system to capture 70,000 CFM dust laden air for a reverb furnace and dross house.  Project work included:


  • Baghouse enclosure with supports, stairs and platform
  • Main inlet ductwork
  • Compressed air piping
  • Screw conveyor, airlocks
  • PTFE membrane polyester filter bags

Project Details:


Equipment Specifications:

Model 7515WPT  120-6 Pulse Jet Industrial Dust Collector

CFM: 70,000 CFM

Air-to-Cloth Ratio: 3.97:1

Filter Media: Polyester with PTFE Membrane


For help pricing and sizing your dust collection system check out our pricing guide.


Project Photos

Get in Touch

 We understand that every dust collection project is unique and requires a specific approach. For help with your air pollution control needs, reach out to one of our knowledgeable team members below.