Dust collector solutions that meet food grade regulations.
When you need to meet food grade regulations it's important to find the right fit for your dust collector and dust collector filters. An experienced supplier can help guide you in your research and identify the best filter media options, treatments and configuration for your baghouse or cartridge type dust collector that are food grade compliant. To help narrow down the time you spend looking for that information, we're listing the most common dust collectors and filter media used throughout the food manufacturing industry.
When you consider a particular dust collector or filter, you'll want to keep in mind the characteristics of your dust properties. Typically the food manufacturing industry has dust that is small and hard to capture. For example, grain dust can be as small as 5 microns, sugars between 0.0008 - 0.005 micron, and milled flour or corn as small as 1 micron. Combustible dust in a food manufacturing facility has also been a common characteristic. To combat a dust collector emergency, you'll want to consider the proper equipment (i.e. explosion vent) and filter media to help reduce that possibility from occurring.
Dust collectors are available in several different options and are customizable depending on your application, volume, dust characteristics, and other specific needs. If you are looking for a modular and space friendly dust collector, a cartridge collector is your best choice. If you have higher dust loading requirements, then a baghouse will be able to fit your needs.
Most Common Dust Collectors for Food Manufacturing
- Cartridge Collector Model 2DCP-4 and 2DCP-8
- Baghouse Model 68-PTHHHI
Once you find the right dust collector, the next step is finding the right filter media. Whether you need a specific micron rating, food grade media and packaging, or stainless steel filter casing, these are the types medias being consistently used in the food manufacturing industry.
Most Common Filter Media for Food Manufacturing
- Spunbond Polyester
- Polyester
- Polypropylene
- Oleo-phobic Finish