Introduction to Pulse-Jet Filter Bags
How Pulse-Jet Filter Bags Collect Dust
Pulse-jet filter bags are used to remove dust particulate and contaminants from the air in warehouses, plants, factories, foundries, and more. Pulse-jet is one of the most common styles of baghouses you will see across a variety of industries and applications. With this style of baghouse, dust collects on the outside of the filter as clean air exits through the inside of the bag.
How Pulse-Jet Filter Bags are Cleaned
To clean pulse-jet baghouse filters, a blast of compressed air is injected through a blowpipe over each row of bags via a venturi. In a pulse-jet baghouse one row of bags can be cleaned while the remaining rows continue to collect dust particulate. This is known as on-line cleaning.
Construction of Pulse-Jet Filter Bags
Pulse-Jet baghouses are engineered to hold either bottom or top load filter bags and cages. Fabric filter bags used in pulse-jet and plenum pulse baghouses come in a variety of medias and treatments. The type of filter media and treatment that’s best will be dependent on a plant’s application and dust characteristics. To get a free filter recommendation, check out our filter bag media quiz here. You can also download our fabric characteristics sheet to get a closer look at the most common filter bag medias used in the dust collection industry.

Most Common Top & Bottom Construction for a Pulse-Jet Baghouse
Top Load Baghouse: Double Beaded Snap Band Top, Disc Bottom
Bottom Load Baghouse: Raw Top, Disc Bottom
Filter Bag Resources
To learn more about how to select the right filter bags, you can download our filter bag guide with the link below. The guide provides resources on key topics such as; dust properties, filter media, finishes and treatments, construction, and air-to-cloth ratio.

Video: Guide to Filter Media

If you are ready to get a set of filters you can check out our online product catalog, request a quote within 24 hours, call at 888-221-0132, or simply email